Valorant Mobile App Download: Everything You Need to Know
Valorant is one of the most popular and competitive first-person shooter games in the world. Developed by Riot Games, the creators of League of Legends, Valorant combines precise gunplay with unique character abilities in a 5v5 tactical team-based gameplay. Whether you want to play casually or competitively, Valorant offers a thrilling and rewarding experience for FPS fans.
But what if you want to play Valorant on your mobile device? Is there a way to enjoy this amazing game on the go? The answer is yes! Valorant Mobile is the official mobile version of Valorant, which is currently in development and testing by Riot Games. In this article, we will tell you everything you need to know about Valorant Mobile, including how to download it, what are its features, and how to improve your skills.
valorant mobile app download
What is Valorant Mobile and how does it differ from the PC version?
Valorant Mobile is the mobile adaptation of the tactical FPS from Riot Games, which offers a practically identical experience to the one for Windows. This means you'll be able to participate in thrilling 5v5 rounds, where you'll have to complete different objectives. It's a super fun 'Hero Shooter' that's backed by other Android hits like League of Legends: Wild Rift, Teamfight Tactics and Legends of Runeterra.
Valorant Mobile is a spectacular tactical shooter that manages to transfer all the excitement and frenzy from the original game directly to mobile devices. It's an FPS with incredible technical values that's able to compete with the best Android FPS games.
The main difference between the PC and mobile versions of Valorant is the control scheme. On mobile, you will use touch controls to move, aim, shoot, and use abilities. You can also customize your controls according to your preferences and comfort. The game also supports controllers for those who prefer a more traditional input method.
How to download Valorant Mobile on Android devices?
Although the release date of Valorant Mobile hasn't been confirmed by Riot Games, the game has been open to a small number of players through a private beta. If you want to join the beta testing, you will need to pre-register for Valorant Mobile on APKPure or APKCombo and wait for an invitation from Riot Games. You will also need an Android device that meets the minimum system requirements for the game.
How to download valorant mobile app on android
Valorant mobile app release date and beta version
Valorant mobile app gameplay and features
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Valorant mobile app compatible devices and requirements
Valorant mobile app tips and tricks for beginners
Valorant mobile app best agents and abilities
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The closed beta version takes up to 1.8 GB of space on mobile devices and may be larger with updates. Once you receive an invitation, you will be able to download and install the APK file of Valorant Mobile on your device. You will also need a Riot account to log in and play the game.
Valorant Game Features
Game Modes
Valorant has four permanent PvP game modes (Unrated, Competitive, Spike Rush, and Deathmatch) and a slot for a rotating PvP game mode (One of Escalation, Replication, and Snowball Fight) at any given time. If you feel like honing your craft by yourself, the Range is at your disposal for all your practice needs.
Game ModeDescription
sudden death if tied at 12-12). This mode is ideal for casual players who want to enjoy the game without worrying about their rank.
CompetitiveThe ranked Plant/Defuse mode where teams play 12 rounds on Attack or Defense, then swap to the other side for the next 12 rounds. The first to 13 rounds wins (sudden death if tied at 12-12). This mode is for players who want to test their skills and climb the ladder of Valorant ranks, from Iron to Radiant.
Spike RushA fast-paced Plant/Defuse mode where teams play 4 rounds on Attack or Defense, then swap to the other side for the next 4 rounds. The first to 4 rounds wins (no sudden death). All players start with the same random weapon and have access to special orbs that grant various effects. This mode is perfect for a quick and fun match.
DeathmatchA free-for-all mode where 14 players compete to get the most kills in 10 minutes or reach 40 kills first. Players can choose any weapon they want and respawn instantly after dying. There is no objective or abilities in this mode, only pure gunplay. This mode is great for warming up and improving your aim.
EscalationA team-based mode where 5 players face off against another 5 players in a race to get kills with different weapons and abilities. Each team has a shared loadout that changes every time they get a certain number of kills. The first team to finish their loadout or have the most points at the end of 10 minutes wins. This mode is a chaotic and fun way to try out different weapons and abilities.
ReplicationA team-based mode where 5 players face off against another 5 players in a Plant/Defuse scenario. However, each team has to play as the same agent, which is randomly selected at the start of the match. All abilities except ultimates have infinite charges, but with longer cooldowns. This mode is a hilarious and crazy way to experience Valorant with a twist.
Snowball FightA seasonal mode where 5 players face off against another 5 players in a snowball fight. Players use a modified version of Brimstone's molotov launcher that shoots snowballs instead of fire. There are also special gift boxes that drop from the sky and grant various power-ups. This mode is a festive and lighthearted way to celebrate the winter holidays.
The RangeA solo mode where players can practice their aim, movement, abilities, and strategies on a custom map. There are different sections for shooting targets, planting or defusing spikes, fighting against bots, and exploring maps. This mode is essential for improving your skills and learning new things.
Valorant has 17 playable characters, also known as agents, each with their own unique abilities and roles. Agents are divided into four categories: Duelists, Initiators, Controllers, and Sentinels. Duelists are aggressive agents who excel at taking fights and getting kills. Initiators are agents who can create openings for their team by gathering information or disrupting enemies. Controllers are agents who can manipulate the map by creating smokes, walls, or other obstacles. Sentinels are defensive agents who can protect their team by healing, resurrecting, or locking down areas.
The current list of agents in Valorant are:
Jett: A Duelist from South Korea who can dash, jump, and throw knives with incredible speed and precision.
Raze: A Duelist from Brazil who can blast her enemies with explosives, rockets, and grenades.
Phoenix: A Duelist from the United Kingdom who can manipulate fire to heal himself, blind enemies, or create walls of flames.
Reyna: A Duelist from Mexico who can feast on her enemies' souls to heal herself, become invulnerable, or go invisible.
Yoru: A Duelist from Japan who can create fake footsteps, teleport through rifts, or turn invisible with a mask.
Breach: An Initiator from Sweden who can use seismic blasts to stun, blind, or knock back enemies through walls.
Sova: An Initiator from Russia who can use his bow and arrow to reveal enemies' locations, shock them with bolts of electricity, or fire a giant blast across the map.
Skye: An Initiator from Australia who can summon animal companions to heal her allies, blind her enemies, or scout the area.
KAY/O: An Initiator from an unknown origin who can use his robotic abilities to suppress enemies' abilities, throw flash grenades, or detonate a powerful pulse.
Omen: A Controller from an unknown origin who can create dark smokes, teleport across short or long distances, or blind enemies with a shadow orb.
Brimstone: A Controller from the United States who can use his orbital arsenal to create smokes, fire a powerful laser, or call down a barrage of missiles.
Viper: A Controller from the United States who can use her toxic chemicals to create poisonous clouds, walls, or pools that damage and decay enemies.
Astra: A Controller from Ghana who can use her cosmic powers to create stars that can turn into smokes, gravity wells, or concussive blasts.
Sage: A Sentinel from China who can use her healing orbs to heal herself or an ally, create barriers of ice, slow down enemies with orbs of frost, or resurrect a fallen ally.
Cypher: A Sentinel from Morocco who can use his spy gadgets to trap, reveal, or damage enemies with wires, cameras, or cages.
Killjoy: A Sentinel from Germany who can use her inventions to deploy turrets, alarmbots, nanoswarms, or a lockdown device that detains enemies.
Chamber: A Sentinel from France who can use his elegant firearms to snipe enemies, create portals, or place decoys.
Valorant has 18 different weapons that players can buy and use in the game. Weapons are divided into six categories: Sidearms, SMGs, Shotguns, Rifles, Snipers, and Heavies. Each weapon has its own price, damage, fire rate, recoil, accuracy, and special features. Some weapons also have alternate fire modes that change their behavior. For example, the Classic pistol can fire a three-round burst, the Guardian rifle can zoom in for better precision, and the Bucky shotgun can fire a longer-range shot.
The current list of weapons in Valorant are:
Classic: A Sidearm that costs 0 credits and has 12 bullets per magazine. It can fire a three-round burst with its alternate fire mode.
Shorty: A Sidearm that costs 200 credits and has 2 bullets per magazine. It is a sawed-off shotgun that deals high damage at close range but has a wide spread and low range.
Frenzy: A Sidearm that costs 500 credits and has 13 bullets per magazine. It is a fully automatic pistol that fires rapidly but has high recoil and low accuracy.
Ghost: A Sidearm that costs 500 credits and has 15 bullets per magazine. It is a silenced pistol that deals more damage to the head and has better accuracy than the Classic.
Sheriff: A Sidearm that costs 800 credits and has 6 bullets per magazine. It is a powerful revolver that can kill enemies with one headshot but has high recoil and low fire rate.
Stinger: An SMG that costs 1100 credits and has 20 bullets per magazine. It is a fast-firing submachine gun that deals more damage at close range but has low accuracy and high spread. It can also fire four-round bursts with its alternate fire mode.
Spectre: An SMG that costs 1600 credits and has 30 bullets per magazine. It is a silenced submachine gun that has better accuracy and recoil control than the Stinger but deals less damage per bullet.
Bucky: A Shotgun that costs 900 credits and has 5 bullets per magazine. It is a pump-action shotgun that fires a spread of pellets that deal more damage at close range. It can also fire a single slug with its alternate fire mode that has a longer range but a narrower spread.
Judge: A Shotgun that costs 1850 credits and has 7 bullets per magazine. It is a fully automatic shotgun that fires rapidly but has high recoil and low range.
Bulldog: A Rifle that costs 2100 credits and has 24 bullets per magazine. It is a versatile rifle that can fire fully automatically or in three-round bursts with its alternate fire mode. It deals moderate damage and has moderate recoil.
Guardian: A Rifle that costs 2400 credits and has 12 bullets per magazine. It is a semi-automatic rifle that deals high damage and has high accuracy but has low fire rate and no alternate fire mode.
Phantom: A Rifle that costs 2900 credits and has 30 bullets per magazine. It is a silenced rifle that deals more damage at close range and has better recoil control than the Vandal but has damage falloff at long range.
Vandal: A Rifle that costs 2900 credits and has 25 bullets per magazine. It is a powerful rifle that deals consistent damage at any range and can kill enemies with one headshot but has higher recoil and lower fire rate than the Phantom.
Marshal: A Sniper that costs 1100 credits and has 5 bullets per magazine. It is a bolt-action sniper rifle that deals high damage and has high accuracy but has no scope-in animation and no alternate fire mode.
Operator: A Sniper that costs 5000 credits and has 5 bullets per magazine. It is a powerful sniper rifle that can kill enemies with one shot to the body or head but has a slow scope-in animation and a low fire rate. It can also zoom in further with its alternate fire mode.
Ares: A Heavy that costs 1600 credits and has 50 bullets per magazine. It is a light machine gun that fires faster as it shoots but has high recoil and low accuracy.
Odin: A Heavy that costs 3200 credits and has 100 bullets per magazine. It is a heavy machine gun that fires faster as it shoots but has high recoil and low accuracy. It can also reveal enemies' locations through walls with its alternate fire mode.
Valorant has seven maps that players can play on, each with its own layout, design, and features. Maps are randomly selected for each match, except for Competitive mode where players can vote to ban one map before the match starts. Each map has two bomb sites where the attackers can plant the spike and the defenders have to prevent them. Some maps also have special elements such as teleporters, ropes, or doors that can change the gameplay.
The current list of maps in Valorant are:
Bind: A map set in a coastal town with two teleporters that connect the two bomb sites. The teleporters can be used by both teams to rotate quickly or flank the enemies, but they also make a loud noise when used.
Haven: A map set in a temple complex with three bomb sites instead of two. This gives the attackers more options to plant the spike, but also makes it harder for the defenders to cover all angles.
Split: A map set in a futuristic city with ropes that allow players to ascend or descend quickly. The ropes can be used to reach high ground or surprise the enemies, but they also limit the movement and accuracy of the players.
Ascent: A map set in a Venetian town with doors that can be opened or closed by interacting with a switch. The doors can be used to block off entrances or create new paths, but they can also be destroyed by shooting or using abilities.
Icebox: A map set in an arctic port with zip lines that allow players to traverse horizontally or vertically. The zip lines can be used to cross gaps or change elevation, but they also expose the players to enemy fire.
Breeze: A map set in a tropical island with large open spaces and long sightlines. The map favors long-range weapons and abilities, but also has some close-quarters areas for ambushes or duels.
Fracture: A map set in a remote facility with a unique H-shaped layout. The map has two main sides, each with its own attacker and defender spawn points, and a central bridge that connects them. The map challenges the conventional roles of attackers and defenders, as both teams have to attack and defend simultaneously.
Valorant Game Tips and Tricks
Optimize your game settings
One of the first things you should do before playing Valorant Mobile is to optimize your game settings according to your device and preference. You can access the settings menu by tapping on the gear icon on the top right corner of the screen. Here are some of the settings you should pay attention to:
Graphics: You can adjust the graphics quality, resolution, frame rate, anti-aliasing, and other options to improve your game performance or appearance. You should aim for a stable frame rate of at least 60 FPS for a smooth gameplay experience.
Controls: You can customize your touch controls by changing the size, position, opacity, and sensitivity of each button. You can also enable or disable auto-shoot, aim assist, fixed joystick, and other options to suit your play style.
Audio: You can adjust the volume, sound effects, voice chat, and other audio options to enhance your game immersion and communication. You should also use headphones or earphones to hear better and locate your enemies' footsteps and gunfire.
Interface: You can adjust the interface options such as the crosshair, minimap, HUD, and other elements to improve your game visibility and awareness. You should choose a crosshair that is comfortable and clear for you, and a minimap that shows enough information without being too cluttered.
Communicate with your teammates
Valorant is a team-based game that requires coordination and cooperation among players. Communication is key to winning matches and having fun. You can communicate with your teammates in Valorant Mobile by using the voice chat or the text chat features. You can also use the ping system to mark locations, enemies, or items on the map.
To use the voice chat, you need to enable it in the settings menu and grant the game permission to access your microphone. You can then tap on the microphone icon on the top left corner of the screen to talk to your teammates. You can also mute or unmute yourself or other players by tapping on their names on the scoreboard.
To use the text chat, you need to tap on the chat icon on the top right corner of the screen. You can then type your message and send it to your team or to all players. You can also use preset messages or emojis by tapping on the buttons below the chat box.
To use the ping system, you need to tap and hold on the ping icon on the bottom right corner of the screen. You can then drag your finger to select one of the four ping options: Attack, Defend, On My Way, or Need Help. You can also double-tap on the ping icon to mark an enemy's location.
When communicating with your teammates, you should be respectful, helpful, and positive. You should also avoid spamming, flaming, or trolling other players. Remember, Valorant is a game that is meant to be fun and enjoyable for everyone.
Learn how to peek for intel
One of the most important skills in Valorant is peeking, which is the act of exposing yourself briefly to an angle or a corner to gather information or take a shot. Peeking can help you spot enemies, check if a site is clear, or get an advantage in a gunfight. However, peeking can also be risky, as you might expose yourself to enemy fire or abilities.
To peek effectively, you need to know how to use cover, movement, and crosshair placement. Cover is anything that can block bullets or abilities, such as walls, boxes, or barrels. Movement is how you move around the map, such as walking, running, crouching, or jumping. Crosshair placement is where you position your crosshair on the screen, such as at head level, body level, or ground level.
Here are some tips on how to peek for intel in Valorant Mobile:
Use cover wisely: Cover can protect you from enemy fire or abilities, but it can also limit your vision and mobility. You should use cover that allows you to peek quickly and safely, without exposing too much of your body. You should also avoid using cover that is too predictable or common, as enemies might pre-fire or pre-aim at those spots.
Move smartly: Movement can help you peek faster and smoother, but it can also make noise and affect your accuracy. You should move according to the situation and your weapon. For example, if you want to peek quietly and accurately, you should walk and stop before shooting. If you want to peek aggressively and unpredictably, you might run and jump while shooting.
Place your crosshair properly: Crosshair placement can help you aim faster and better, but it can also reveal your position and intention. You should place your crosshair where you expect the enemy to be, such as at head level, at common angles, or at bomb sites. You should also adjust your crosshair according to your movement and recoil.
Choose your agent wisely
Another important skill in Valorant is choosing the right agent for your team and the map. As we mentioned before, each agent has their own unique abilities and roles that can complement or counter each other. Choosing the right agent can give you an edge in the game, while choosing the wrong agent can put you at a disadvantage.
To choose your agent wisely, you need to consider several factors, such as your play style, your team composition, your enemy composition, and the map layout. Here are some tips on how to choose your agent wisely in Valorant Mobile:
Play to your strengths: You should choose an agent that suits your play style and preferences. For example, if you like to play aggressively and get kills, you might choose a Duelist like Jett or Raze. If you like to play supportively and help your team, you might choose a Sentinel like Sage or Cypher. If you like to play flexibly and adapt to different situations, you might choose an Initiator like Sova or Skye.
Balance your team: You should also choose an agent that balances your team composition and fills any gaps. For example, if your team lacks smokes or vision control, you might choose a Controller like Omen or Astra. If your team lacks information or disruption, you might choose an Initiator like Breach or KAY/O. If your team lacks healing or protection, you might choose a Sentinel like Sage or Killjoy.
Counter your enemies: You should also choose an agent that counters your enemy composition and exploits their weaknesses. For example, if your enemies have a lot of smokes or walls, you might choose an agent that can see through them or destroy them, such as Sova or Raze. If your enemies have a lot of abilities or ultimates, you might choose an agent that can suppress them or avoid them, such as KAY/O or Yoru.
Know the map: You should also choose an agent that works well on the map you are playing on and takes advantage of its features. For example, if the map has a lot of verticality or mobility options, you might choose an agent that can use them or counter them, such as Jett or Omen. If the map has a lot of tight corners or choke points, you might choose an agent that can clear them or block them, such as Phoenix or Viper.
Manage your economy
The final skill we will cover in this article is managing your economy, which is the amount of credits you have to buy weapons and abilities in each round. Economy is a crucial aspect of Valorant that can determine the outcome of the game. Managing your economy well can help you buy better weapons and abilities more often, while managing it poorly can leave you with inferior weapons and abilities less often.
To manage your economy well, you need to know how to earn credits, how to spend credits, and how to save credits. Here are some tips on how to manage your economy well in Valorant Mobile:
Earn credits: You can earn credits by winning rounds, losing rounds, planting or defusing spikes, killing enemies, or surviving rounds. The amount of credits you earn depends on various factors, such as the round number, the round outcome, and the kill count. You should try to earn as many credits as possible by playing smartly and efficiently.
Spend credits: You can spend credits by buying weapons and abilities in each round. The cost of weapons and abilities varies depending on their type and quality. You should try to spend your credits wisely by buying what you need and what you can afford. You should also coordinate with your team and buy together or share weapons if needed.
Save credits: You can save credits by not buying anything or buying less in each round. Saving credits can help you accumulate more credits for future rounds when you need them more. You should try to save your credits strategically by knowing when to buy and when to save. You should also follow the economy status of your team and your enemies and plan accordingly.
Valorant Mobile is an exciting and challenging game that offers a similar experience to the PC version of Valorant. It is a game that requires skill, strategy, teamwork, and communication to win matches and have fun. In this article, we have covered everything you need to know about Valorant Mobile, including how to download it, what are its features, and how to improve your skills.If you are a fan of FPS games and want to try Valorant Mobile, you can pre-register for the beta testing and wait for an invitation from Riot Games. You can also follow the official Valorant Mobile social media accounts and website for the latest news and updates. We hope this article has helped you learn more about Valorant Mobile and how to play it better. Now, go ahead and download Valorant Mobile and enjoy this awesome game on your mobile device!
What is Valorant Mobile release date?
Valorant Mobile release date has not been officially announced by Riot Games yet, but it is expected to launch sometime in 2023. The game is currently in closed beta testing for a limited number of players who pre-registered for it.
Can I play Valorant Mobile with PC players?
No, Valorant Mobile will not have cross-play with PC players, as Riot Games wants to ensure a fair and balanced gameplay experience for all players. However, Valorant Mobile will have cross-progression with PC, which means you can use the same Riot account and access the same items and cosmetics on both platforms.
What are the system requirements for Valorant Mobile?
The minimum system requirements for Valorant Mobile are as follows:
Android 6.0 or higher
2 GB of RAM or higher
1.8 GB of storage space or higher
A stable internet connection
The recommended system requirements for Valorant Mobile are as follows:
Android 8.0 or higher
4 GB of RAM or higher
2 GB of storage space or higher
A fast internet connection
How can I get better at Valorant Mobile?
To get better at Valorant Mobile, you need to practice your skills, learn from your mistakes, and have fun. Here are some tips on how to get better at Valorant Mobile:
Practice your aim, movement, and abilities in the Range mode or in custom games.
Watch tutorials, guides, and gameplay videos from pro players and streamers.
Play with your friends or join a community of Valorant Mobile players to communicate and cooperate with them.
Experiment with different agents, weapons, and strategies to find what works best for you.
Analyze your performance and stats after each match and see what you can improve on.
Is Valorant Mobile free to play?
Yes, Valorant Mobile is free to play, just like the PC version of Valorant. You can download and play the game without paying anything. However, you can also buy optional in-game items and cosmetics with real money, such as skins, battle passes, or bundles. 44f88ac181